Friday, April 15, 2011

Future of the Internet

What will we be expecting in the future cyberworld? What will the future of the Internet be like?

According to Wikipedia, Future Internet is a summarizing term for worldwide research activities dedicated to the further development of the original Internet. The current Internet has increased public awareness of several critical shortcomings in terms of performance, reliability, etc.
The approaches towards a Future Internet range from small, incremental evolutionary steps to complete redesigns and architecture principles, where the applied technologies shall not be limited by existing standards and paradigms such as client server networking.
However, it is too early to identify any technical consensus or even standardization. The term 'Future Internet' should be used with caution and do not link it too quickly with any specific technology. Research areas that could be seen as part of Future Internet are Network Management, Network virtualization and some elements of cloud computing.

This video was produced by Janna Quitney Anderson, director of the Imagining the Internet Center at Elon University, for the 2011 Danish Top Executive Summit.

A great summary of current expectations for Internet and communications future, based on 2011 estimates and a preview of our SXSWi Core Conversation from, where there are hundreds more videos than we have on YouTube. Human connections we are building and the information we are databasing on the internet are creating a shared global intellect that is growing and evolving every day. The future of the internet is personal, portable, pervasive and precarious. We are entering the earliest phase of a new era. This video outlines some of the new challenges and opportunities as this new paradigm continues to evolve and changes everything.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Internet in Singapore

Singapore is really quick in getting almost all Singaporeans to be connected via the Internet. As of June 2010, there are more than 6, 860, 100 Internet subscribers in Singapore. Singapore is a tiny island and there are only four major Internet Service Providers (ISPs) which are Singtel, M1, Starhub and Pacnet. In addition, Singapore Government has been always promoting the usage of broadband Internet access and this is part of its Intelligent Nation 2015 (i2015) masterplan.

The current developments in the 21st century are really quick and updated.
  • Jan 2001: Broadband Media Association was formed to promote the broadband industry.
  • April 2001: 6 broadband Internet providers; total number of broadband users exceeding 300, 000.
  • Oct 2001: Pacific Internet introduced wireless broadband services.
  • 2006: Information Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) introduced "Wireless@SG". Part of Next Generation National Infocomm Infrastructure initiative. Most public areas with speeds of up to 512 kbit/s. M1 also introduced its broadband services.
  • Sept 2010: Singapore ISPs came up with Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (NGNBN) service plans. Supports high speeds of up to 1 Gbps as it uses and optical fiber network.

What will it be like in the future with Singapore's development of the Internet?

With Singapore's upcoming Next Generation Nationwide Broadband Network (Next Gen NBN), everything shown in the video is possible in Singapore's hotels. The Next Gen NBN will give rise to applications that will allow hotels to improve their guest experience, and bring cost savings to their business through the use of integrated broadband based productivity tools.

This is something that the younger generation is looking forward to. What about the older generation? Will they be able to embrace such a new technology?

Friday, April 1, 2011

Internet and Journalism

Internet has boost the scope of journalism. It is a new social media and more Internet users are able to write about almost anything. This illustrates that many are encouraged to provide updated news and information about themselves. According to the policy updates (2011), it was reported that "[a]s more and more news and information move online, we must address the fact that nearly 40% of America is still disconnected from high-speed Internet access". This illustrates that there are people who are not connected in this global village. It was also mentioned that "[b]ridging the digital divide is increasingly an issue that will shape the future of journalism... our policymakers must ensure that communities can connect to our modern information infrastructure". This implies that Americans see the need to connect everyone on the Internet in the whole of America.

Has the Internet killed or boost the growth of Journalism?

The video below shows how fast information spreads online. It shows the effects and impact it has on the audience.

The next video shows whether the Internet has killed print journalism. It seems that people prefer reading both online and print journalism.

In my opinion, Web 2.0 has enhanced journalism and not kill print journalism. Will online journalism kill print journalism? This is a question that does not have an answer.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Internet and Politics

Power and limitation of Internet for political campaigning

Political campaigning is an organized effort which seeks to influence the decision making process within a specific group. Many political players and commentators agree that American politics are undergoing a period of change due the increased use of the Internet which has become a valuable fundraising tool. The Internet has also led to the declining effectiveness of television advertising.

For example, Obama made use of the Internet in his presidential campaign. It was effective in reaching out to the younger generation. This is because the new generation uses social websites and new media to keep themselves updated on politics. However, the Internet has its limitations because it failed to reach people of the older generation. People in this category will not be able to get political news and updates as quickly as those who have access to the Internet.

Youths apathetic towards politics?

It is said that Singaporean youths are apathetic towards politics. This is because these youths are so caught up with their self-centered interests and they are surrounded with people who also lack such passion. Youths are too sheltered in a sense because they think that everything will remain the same. They do not know that they will have a part to play in building the future of Singapore. If they do not make moves to get involved or updated with politics, youths will remain apathetic and it will continue as a cycle when the next generation after them comes along.

The video below shows that Singapore elections 2011 might be slightly different! Singapore youths should get involved and keep themselves updated...

Saturday, March 19, 2011



Nokia is one mobile brand that impresses me the most. Nokia E7 is the latest model and it is well-received by Nokia users. There must be a reason behind thins. I think that Nokia uses multimedia in their marketing communication to promote its product. There are different ways in which Nokia promotes its new products. Firstly, Nokia has its own website to provide information of different products, solutions and customer service. Secondly, it uses a memorable launch of its new product to attract present and new Nokia users.

This video demonstrates the way Nokia promotes Nokia E7...

Nokia collaborates with Microsoft to produce a better quality product. In order to demonstrate these features, the phone is promoted in a way that features its unique characteristics using graphics.


NewsML is an XML standard designed to provide a media-independent, structural framework for multi-media news. NewsML was developed by - and is a registered trademark of IPTC. It is structured based, leaving out layout and other presentational features to style sheets and other presentation languages such as XHTML or SMIL. It is known to be popular outside North America, especially in Asia.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cybercrime and Preventive Measures

Cybercrime in Singapore!

Singapore may be a small country, but she also faces cybercrime issues on a rather large scale. According to The Straits Times news reporter, Melissa Sim (2010), she reported that "[s]eventy percent of Singaporeans have fallen victim to cybercrime - more than global average of 65 per cent." This shows that Singaporeans are very vulnerable to such cyber attacks and they do not seem to be aware of these attacks. It was also reported that most Singaporeans are attacked by viruses in their computers (Sim, 2010). It was researched into as to why this phenomenon is happening so prominently in Singapore. Sim (2010) stated that it is due to the lack of education and awareness in Singapore which led to such consequences. This is because Singaporeans are too trusting such that they fall victim to cyber attacks. Therefore, Sim (2010) illustrated that "[c]onsumer education is the best form of defense from online threats out there".

Sim, M. (2010, September 10). Seven in ten here are victims of cybercrime. The Straits Times. Retrieved from

Preventive measures

Antivirus software is used to prevent, detect and remove malware but it is not foolproof against computer virus, trojan horses, spyware and adware. This is used for prevention and removal of such threats.

This video is about the PC Internet Security Tools...
It shows that users are supposedly to be educated of the risks they might face when they surf the Internet. Internet Security and Prevention Tools may help to keep one's computer safe, but one is still at risk of downloading viruses into his/her computer if one is not careful. Therefore, the safest method is not to download or click on any suspicious links.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What's New?

Google Tools
"Google Blog Search"

There are many tools that Google provide and I feel that Google covers almost everything that Internet users would need when they surf for information. I am fascinated with the tool "Google Blog Search" as it is like a worldwide encyclopedia of almost everyone's diaries.

Google Blog Search has many functions in which it can operate to suit user's preference and convenience. For example, the "advanced blog search" and "preference" will help one to have a quicker search. Besides, Google Blog Search is categorized into 11 categories which comes under "Top Stories". With these hyperlinked categories, one will be able to receive quick information and have a rough idea of what is happening in the world. In addition, a space on the Google Blog Search's page is dedicated to the "Recent posts" by bloggers and "Top videos" found in blogs. I feel that these functions unite bloggers and readers globally by the easy search and the similarities in searches.

Windows Movie Maker

I find Windows Movie Maker really interesting. I was really confused with the functions at first. However, I was able to figure my way out with trial and error. This is actually my 2nd movie that I created with Windows Movie Maker. The first movie was collating interviews for my other communication module. I believed that tough process of the first movie like trimming the videos, inserting captions, using visual effects to protect the interviewees' identities, etc. had made me understand the use of most of the functions in creating a movie. It was really a fun process and no doubt, my 2nd video was created within 15minutes! Although it is time-consuming, I enjoyed myself thoroughly and definitely learnt a new skill!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Learning with Digital Media

How can learning be made effective through the use of digital media?

Students in Singapore go through learning with books and writing materials. Digital media is only recognized as part of learning in the recent years where students are encouraged to use the Internet to explore and find out what they really want to know. In my learning experience, the education that I was put through in primary school to college years, I seldom use the digital media to enhance my learning except for projects (a very small portion in our curriculum). It is only now, in my university years, that I have to use digital media for learning and research. It is quite a drastic change for me because I was so used to using books to study and for reference. However, this change was for the better because I get to learn more than what I already know. It encourages me to have a curious mind in using digital media to explore and have a better understanding of a concept.

How will the future digital media classroom look?

A middle school on Chicago's South Side is using digital media to prepare its young people for a 21st-century workforce. With the help of an innovative program called the Digital Youth Network, students learn the skills of digital media production, from robotics to game design.

Microsoft Surface Technology
  • Codename: Milan
  • A multi-touch product from Microsoft
  • A software and hardware combination technology
  • Allows a user, or multiple users, to manipulate digital content by the use of gesture recognition
  • A surface computing platform that responds to natural hand gestures and real world objects

Do you think this technology will be successful in future?
I think that it will be successful because this technology appeals to users' five natural senses. This will help to make it more user-friendly. This is because the four main components in this technology are catered to users...
  1. Direct interaction
  2. Multi-touch contact
  3. A multi-user experience
  4. Object recognition
Therefore, Digital Media can be researched into so that it can be incorporated into education. It will serve better as a learning tool for students. Students will find learning activities more interesting and they will move towards innovation and creativity in their learning styles. Digital Media will give a different outlook to learners and educators.

Saturday, February 19, 2011


What is E-Commerce?

E-Commerce involves digitally enabled commercial transactions between and among organizations and individuals.

10 Key Factors why some e-commerce succeeded:-

1. Don’t reinvent the wheel, or, in other words, don’t make the same mistakes as others have.
2. Pay extra for a quality design. Uniqueness counts.
3. Set up a real-time payment gateway. ­ Do not accept credit card payments online unless one have a secure merchant gateway to a bank.
4. Keep prices competitive, but concentrate on the value-added products and services.
5. Keep audience/customers informed.
6. Viral marketing is the key. One will receive more business through word of mouth than any other advertising medium.
7. Employ affiliates to promote one's website.
8. Keep inventory levels to a minimum.
9. Provide customer testimonials. Do not fake it! Only provide those that are believable.
10. Don’t wait! The Internet is evolving at a rapid pace, most businesses realize that obtaining a Web presence is essential, fewer realize that the window of opportunity is decreasing quickly.

Website Hosting

Website Hosting needs strategies to help boost the success to boost one's website. The most important factor is to stay competitive and have the appropriate products and reasonable prices. Spreading of one's website by word of mouth is still the strongest and most helpful way in boosting website's reputation. Hence, e-commerce can be a very successful business and yet a tough job to maintain.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Facebook Versus LinkedIn

Facebook and LinkedIn are social networking sites. It is known that Facebook is the most popular social networking site. LinkedIn may not be that popular but it is another social networking site which is more for the working professionals.

Here's a video of LinkedIn...

LinkedIn is to allow registered users to maintain a list of contact details of people they know and trust in business. It can then be used to find jobs, people and business opportunities recommended by someone in one's contact network. This social networking site is more for those who are looking for jobs or employees.

And here's a video of Facebook...

Facebook is a platform for users to use their true identity and connect with their friends. Users are usually able to find their long lost friends on Facebook and users are able to update themselves about their friends. It is a way for people to socialize on a "mega-network" and it is way to keep people connected globally.

How are these social networking sites different?
  1. LinkedIn is more for working professionals to connect together whereas Facebook is for users' personal usage.
  2. LinkedIn is a site for working professionals' contact details and it is restricted to who the user wants it to be given to. However, Facebook's contact details may not be restrictive as users have the freedom to reveal as much as they are comfortable with on Facebook.
Since Facebook has fewer restrictions and more applications, it seems more user-friendly to users and it seems more restricted in LinkedIn. However, LinkedIn comes in very handy when people need to get into the working circle. Both social networking sites have their advantages and it appeals to different categories of people.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Social Media Revolution

What is Social Media?
Social Media is a media for social interaction, using highly accessible and scalable publishing techniques. It uses web-based technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue.

Social Media has an increasing influence in today's world. People are getting more familiar and have a greater ease of interacting in the cyber world. Many are getting into the trend of expressing their inner thoughts and feelings online which allow more interaction unknowingly.

The video below shows how Social Media has evolved over the years...
In short, more and more people are gaining much easier access to the Internet than before. People are participating more in social networking sites, mainly on Facebook, Twitter, and Youtube. With these interactive sites, people are getting more interconnected globally and such interactions give rise to the increasing number of people updating themselves of the world.

An example of a Social Media is Personal on demand casting (Podcast).

- What is Podcasting?
A podcast is a collection of digital media files which is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds for playback on portable media players and personal computers.

- What does a Podcast serve as in the cyber world?

Podcasting has its advantages and disadvantages...
Advantages: Convenient and easy reach
Disadvantages: Access difficulty and productivity issues
*Although Podcasting has its disadvantages, its advantages outweighs it because people are looking for convenience and efficiency in uploading their information.

With the Social Media today, people are greatly depending on the Internet for interaction and information. Although it is better to be in the trend of cyber-interaction, many also tend to face the 'paradox of choices' because of the overload of information.

How will one foresee the future of Social Media? Will it be for the better or for the worse?

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Basics of the Internet

The definition of the Internet: A collection of computers connected to form a global networked environment. (a public network)

After this week's lecture on the introduction of the Internet, I realized that I'm actually one of those who uses the Internet without any background of how the Internet works. I found a video on youtube that actually explains what the Internet is in animation and it can be easily understood even by children...
In summary, this video highlighted a few points:-
1) How the Internet came about (Decentralized Military Command)
2) The Internet's expansion (more than 1 billion users today!)
3) How does the Internet connection happen? (router, ISP)
4) The necessity of installing anti-virus
5) The necessity of deleting information to avoid spammers
6) The Internet can be place for identity theft to happen

The Future Internet Service of Web 3.0 is what many are looking forward to. I think that it is really fantastic in which the services of the Internet would be ubiquitous! The video below would elaborate further...
The future Internet will consist of more and more machineries that would connect to the Internet. This will help to connect everybody to the Internet as long as they have an electronic device in their possession. In order for this to happen, we must imagine that the Internet as a service that is available 24/7. It will bring an increase in the efficiency of businesses and a better economy.

I have learnt that the Internet is part of our fast-paced society and it will ultimately become part of everyone's life because all services will be on in the Internet to increase efficiency in its services. Most businesses will be online and Web 3.0 will be providing Internet users a better quality service as long as we have an electronic device in our possession. Therefore, it is necessary that we keep up with the cyber world so that we are prepared to anticipate what new technologies can do for us.