Friday, February 25, 2011

Learning with Digital Media

How can learning be made effective through the use of digital media?

Students in Singapore go through learning with books and writing materials. Digital media is only recognized as part of learning in the recent years where students are encouraged to use the Internet to explore and find out what they really want to know. In my learning experience, the education that I was put through in primary school to college years, I seldom use the digital media to enhance my learning except for projects (a very small portion in our curriculum). It is only now, in my university years, that I have to use digital media for learning and research. It is quite a drastic change for me because I was so used to using books to study and for reference. However, this change was for the better because I get to learn more than what I already know. It encourages me to have a curious mind in using digital media to explore and have a better understanding of a concept.

How will the future digital media classroom look?

A middle school on Chicago's South Side is using digital media to prepare its young people for a 21st-century workforce. With the help of an innovative program called the Digital Youth Network, students learn the skills of digital media production, from robotics to game design.

Microsoft Surface Technology
  • Codename: Milan
  • A multi-touch product from Microsoft
  • A software and hardware combination technology
  • Allows a user, or multiple users, to manipulate digital content by the use of gesture recognition
  • A surface computing platform that responds to natural hand gestures and real world objects

Do you think this technology will be successful in future?
I think that it will be successful because this technology appeals to users' five natural senses. This will help to make it more user-friendly. This is because the four main components in this technology are catered to users...
  1. Direct interaction
  2. Multi-touch contact
  3. A multi-user experience
  4. Object recognition
Therefore, Digital Media can be researched into so that it can be incorporated into education. It will serve better as a learning tool for students. Students will find learning activities more interesting and they will move towards innovation and creativity in their learning styles. Digital Media will give a different outlook to learners and educators.

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