Friday, April 1, 2011

Internet and Journalism

Internet has boost the scope of journalism. It is a new social media and more Internet users are able to write about almost anything. This illustrates that many are encouraged to provide updated news and information about themselves. According to the policy updates (2011), it was reported that "[a]s more and more news and information move online, we must address the fact that nearly 40% of America is still disconnected from high-speed Internet access". This illustrates that there are people who are not connected in this global village. It was also mentioned that "[b]ridging the digital divide is increasingly an issue that will shape the future of journalism... our policymakers must ensure that communities can connect to our modern information infrastructure". This implies that Americans see the need to connect everyone on the Internet in the whole of America.

Has the Internet killed or boost the growth of Journalism?

The video below shows how fast information spreads online. It shows the effects and impact it has on the audience.

The next video shows whether the Internet has killed print journalism. It seems that people prefer reading both online and print journalism.

In my opinion, Web 2.0 has enhanced journalism and not kill print journalism. Will online journalism kill print journalism? This is a question that does not have an answer.

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